You can now post your
message by email
There an additional, easy way
of getting your message posted here:
• you can send an email to, and we will post it on to the site.
Please add the name you
would like to appear with your post, so that readers know that messages are
coming from many different sources. (We respect your privacy and do not
publish email addresses.)
You can also post messages directly
to the site, by taking the following steps.
1. Sign up for a gmail
account, if you do not already have one.
2. Create a document using
your word-processing software (e.g. Word), and write your ideas.
3. Scroll down under the
appropriate tab- Candidates' Comments or Voters' Comments, until you reach the
Post a Comment Box
4. Copy your messge into the
Post a Comment Box.
5. After the Comment as,
choose Google account
6. If you wish, you can
click Preview to see your comment and change it before posting it, then
7. Click Post Comment
8. Sometimes, the site will
ask you to sign in before you post your comment. If you get this request, click
on Sign In at the top right of the site, input your email address and password.
This information is protected and does not appear on the site. Return to your
posting and click Post Comment.
•Since messages are moderated, there is a time delay between sending your
message and its appearance on the site. If your comment has not appeared after
six hours, send an email to, to check that it has been
• If you're having a problem posting a message, please contact us at, and we'll do our best to help.