Info for new visitors

Posting your ideas
There are comment spaces for candidates and for voters, so that it is easier to locate input from candidates and voters respectively.
• Click on the appropriate the tab at the top of the blog to post your comments.
The technical stuff

The site is moderated, so that abusive or hostile comments can be screened out. As well, contributors need to have a userid in order to post comments. The simplest way to acquire a userid is to have a gmail account. 
• If you're having a problem posting a message, please contact us at, and we'll do our best to help.


  1. Hello fellow bloggers. Congratulations to the site operators/moderators. I'm sure it's a lot of work to maintain and they should be commended for volunteering. I'd like to hear the thoughts of members/contributors on this site and what they hope to get out of it, for a news story. I'm especially interested in talking to ordinary citizens but candidates are welcome to contact me as well. Contact Darrell Bellaart, Nanaimo Daily News, or 250-729-4235.
